Source code for tidyexc.exc

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import textwrap
from shutil import get_terminal_size
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import ChainMap
from traceback import format_exc
from .views import data_view, nested_data_view, info_view
from .utils import list_iadd, property_iadd, eval_template, flatten

_info_stack = []

[docs]class Error(Exception): """ A base class for making exceptions that: - Provide direct access to any parameters that are relevant to the error. - Use bullet-points to clearly and comprehensively describe the error. Example: .. code-block:: pycon >>> from tidyexc import Error >>> class CheeseShopError(Error): ... pass ... >>> err = CheeseShopError( ... product_name="Red Leicester", ... num_requested=1, ... num_available=0, ... ) >>> err.brief = "insufficient inventory to process request" >>> += "{num_requested} {product_name} requested" >>> err.blame += "{num_available} available" >>> raise err Traceback (most recent call last): ... tidyexc.exc.CheeseShopError: insufficient inventory to process request • 1 Red Leicester requested ✖ 0 available """ info_bullet = '• ' "The prefix to use for each `info` message in the formatted error." blame_bullet = '✖ ' "The prefix to use for each `blame` message in the formatted error." hint_bullet = '• ' "The prefix to use for each `hints` message in the formatted error."
[docs] @classmethod @contextmanager def add_info(cls, *messages, **kwargs): """ Add the given `info` to any exceptions derived from this class that are instantiated inside a with-block. A simple example: .. code-block:: pycon >>> from tidyexc import Error >>> with Error.add_info('a: {a}', a=1): ... raise Error() ... Traceback (most recent call last): ... tidyexc.exc.Error: • a: 1 The purpose of this function is to make it easier to add contextual information to exceptions. This is easiest to illustrate with an example. The following function parses a list of (x, y) coordinates from a file. Each coordinate appears on its own line and must consist of exactly two whitespace-separated numbers. There are several different errors this function should detect, but all of the error messages should include the file path, and most should also include the offending line number: .. literalinclude:: / :language: python :end-before: ##################################### >8 ##################################### Using `add_info()` simplifies the above code in two major ways: - Each piece of contextual information is specified just once and used by multiple exceptions. There's no way to accidentally raise an exception without this information. - The helper functions that actually raise the exceptions don't need to have access to any of the contextual information. Without `add_info()`, it would either be necessary to pass extra arguments around or to catch and re-raise the exceptions. It is possible to nest any number of these context managers. The `info` bullet points will appear in the order the context managers were invoked. It is considered good practice for the message templates to only make use of the *kwargs* parameters provided to the same context manager, but templates can access all previously defined parameters. They cannot access any subsequently defined parameters. If a parameter is defined multiple times, the most recent previous value will be used. For example: .. code-block:: pycon >>> # This template cannot use the `c` parameter, because it has >>> # not been defined yet. Note that the `b` parameter keeps its >>> # value, even though it is subsequently redefined. >>> with Error.add_info('a={a} b={b}', a=1, b=2): ... ... # The `a` parameter can be used in this template because ... # it was defined previously. The `b` parameter shadows the ... # previous value. ... raise Error('a={a} b={b} c={c}', b=3, c=4) ... Traceback (most recent call last): ... tidyexc.exc.Error: a=1 b=3 c=4 • a=1 b=2 Because templates cannot be affected by subsequent parameters, it is safe to use `add_info()` in recursive functions, where the same exact parameters might be specified multiple times with different values. The `data` attribute provides access to the current value of each parameter. The `nested_data` attribute, in contrast, provides access to all values for each parameter. """ try: cls.push_info(*messages, **kwargs) yield finally: cls.pop_info()
[docs] @classmethod def push_info(cls, *messages, **kwargs): """ Add the given `info` to any exceptions derived from this class that are subsequently instantiated. See `add_info()` for more information. This function is similar, except that it is not a context manager. That means that you must manually call `pop_info()` or `clear_info()` after calling this function. Example: .. code-block:: pycon >>> from tidyexc import Error >>> Error.push_info('a: {a}', a=1) >>> try: ... raise Error() ... finally: ... Error.pop_info() ... Traceback (most recent call last): ... tidyexc.exc.Error: • a: 1 """ _info_stack.append((cls, messages, kwargs))
[docs] @classmethod def pop_info(cls): """ Stop adding the `info` that was most-recently "pushed" to exceptions derived from this class. This is the opposite of `push_info()`. """ for i, (cls_i, _, _) in reversed(list(enumerate(_info_stack))): if cls_i is cls: break else: raise IndexError(f"no info to pop for {cls}") del _info_stack[i]
[docs] @classmethod def clear_info(cls): """ Stop adding any `info` that was "pushed" to exceptions derived from this class. """ global _info_stack _info_stack = [x for x in _info_stack if x[0] is not cls]
def put_info(self, *messages, **kwargs): i = len(self._data) self._info += [(i, m) for m in messages] self._data.append(kwargs)
[docs] def __init__(self, brief="", **kwargs): """ Create a new exception. You can specify a `brief` message template and any number of parameters (via keyword arguments) when constructing an `Error` instance. This may be enough for simple exceptions, but most of the time you would subsequently add `info` and `blame` message templates (which cannot be directly specified in the constructor). Any class-wide parameters and/or message templates specified using `add_info()` or `push_info()` are read and applied during the constructor. This means that these class-wide functions have no effect on exceptions that have already been instantiated. Example: .. code-block:: pycon >>> raise Error("a: {a}", a=1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... tidyexc.exc.Error: a: 1 """ # `info_stack` is in the order that the messages will appear in, i.e. # oldest first. This is a little inconvenient for `data_view`, because # it means that `ChainMap` naturally reads in the wrong direction, but # `data_view` handles this internally using `reverse_view`. self._brief = brief self._info = [] self._blame = list_iadd() self._hints = list_iadd() self._data = [] for cls, msgs, kws in _info_stack: if isinstance(self, cls): self.put_info(*msgs, **kws) self._data.append(kwargs) self._ctor_data = kwargs self._info_view = info_view(self._info) self._data_view = data_view(self._data) self._nested_data_view = nested_data_view(self._data)
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Return the formatted error message. All parameter substitutions are performed at this point, so any changes made to either the message templates or the data themselves will be reflected in the resulting error message. """ # By default, exceptions that occur while printing an exception are # totally sequestered; you just get a message saying "<exception str() # failed>". This isn't very helpful, so here we manually format the # stack trace and display it to the user. try: message = "" parts = [ ('', [self.brief_str]), (self.info_bullet, self.info_strs), (self.blame_bullet, self.blame_strs), (self.hint_bullet, self.hint_strs), ] for bullet, strs in parts: b = len(bullet) for s in strs: s = textwrap.indent(s, b*' ') s = bullet + s[b:] message += s + '\n' return message except Exception as err: # Using format_exc() seems to sometimes trigger stack overflows # within the python interpreter. return f"\n\nError occurred while formatting {self.__class__.__name__}:\n\n{err.__class__.__name__}: {err}\n\n"
@property def brief(self): """ A message template briefly describing the error. The `tidyverse style guide`__ recommends using the verb "must" when the cause of the problem is pretty clear, and the verb "can't" when it's not. It's common for this template to be a fixed string (i.e. no parameter substitution), and for the `info` and `blame` templates to reference the parameters of the exception. __ See `info` for a description of message templates in general. Unlike `info`, `blame`, and `hints`, there can only be a single `brief` message template. For this reason, use the assignment operator the set this template (as opposed to the in-place addition operator). Example: .. code-block:: pycon >>> err = Error(a=1) >>> err.brief = "a: {a}" >>> raise err Traceback (most recent call last): ... tidyexc.exc.Error: a: 1 """ return self._brief @brief.setter def brief(self, value): self._brief = value @property def brief_str(self): """ The `brief` message, with all parameter substitution performed. """ return eval_template(self.brief, @property_iadd def info(self): """ Message templates describing the context in which the error occurred. For example, imagine an error that was triggered because an unmatched brace was encountered when parsing a file. A good `info` message for this exception might specify the file name and line number where the error occurred. A message template can either be a string or a callable: - *str*: When the error message is generated, the `str.format` method will be called on the string as follows: ``s.format(**``. This means that any parameters associated with the exception can be substituted into the message. - *callable*: When the error message is generated, the callable will be invoked with `data` as the only argument. It should return a string or a list of strings, which will be taken as the message(s). A common use-case for callable template is to specify f-strings via lambda functions. This is a succinct way to format parameters using arbitrary expressions (see example below). The `info`, `blame`, and `hints` attributes are all list-like objects containing message templates. Special syntax is added such that you can use the ``+=`` operator to add message templates to any of these lists. You can also use any of the usual list methods to modify the list in-place, although you cannot overwrite these attributes altogether. The `info` attribute alone has an additional method called ``layers()`` that returns each info template paired with the index that can be passed to ``nested_data.flatten()`` to get the parameters associated with that particular template. Example: .. code-block:: pycon >>> err = Error(a=1, b=[2,3]) >>> += "a: {a}" >>> += lambda e: f"b: {','.join(map(str, e.b))}" >>> raise err Traceback (most recent call last): ... tidyexc.exc.Error: • a: 1 • b: 2,3 """ return self._info_view @property def info_strs(self): """ The `info` messages, with all parameter substitution performed. """ return flatten( eval_template(x, self.nested_data.flatten(i)) for i, x in self._info ) @property_iadd def blame(self): """ Message templates describing the specific cause of the error. For example, imagine an error that was triggered because an unmatched brace was encountered when parsing a file. A good `blame` message for this exception would clearly state that an unmatched brace was the cause of the problem. See `info` for a description of message templates in general. Example: .. code-block:: pycon >>> from tidyexc import Error >>> err = Error(a=1) >>> err.blame += "a: {a}" >>> raise err Traceback (most recent call last): ... tidyexc.exc.Error: ✖ a: 1 """ return self._blame @property def blame_strs(self): """ The `blame` messages, with all parameter substitution performed. """ return flatten(eval_template(x, for x in self.blame) @property_iadd def hints(self): """ Message templates suggesting how to fix the error. For example, imagine an error that was triggered because some user input didn't match any of the expected keywords. A good hint for this exception might suggest the expected keyword that was most similar to what the user inputted. See `info` for a description of message templates in general. Example: .. code-block:: pycon >>> from tidyexc import Error >>> err = Error(a=1) >>> err.hints += "a: {a}" >>> raise err Traceback (most recent call last): ... tidyexc.exc.Error: • a: 1 """ return self._hints @property def hint_strs(self): """ The `hints` messages, with all parameter substitution performed. """ return flatten(eval_template(x, for x in self.hints) @property def data(self): """ Parameters relevant to the error. This attribute is a dictionary-like object that allows parameters to be accessed either as attributes or as dictionary elements: .. code-block:: pycon >>> e = Error(a=1) >>> 1 >>>['a'] 1 If a parameter has been defined multiple times (e.g. with `add_info()`), the most recent value is the one that will be used: .. code-block:: pycon >>> with Error.add_info(a=1): ... e = Error(a=2) ... 2 """ return self._data_view @data.setter def data(self, values): self._ctor_data.clear() self._ctor_data.update(values) @property def nested_data(self): """ A view providing access to *all* values defined for each parameter. This is useful when trying to extract information from an exception where some parameters may have been defined multiple times, e.g. if `add_info()` was used in a recursive function. The simplest way to use this view is to access a parameter name either as an attribute or a dictionary element. This will return a list of all the values associated with that parameter: .. code-block:: pycon >>> with Error.add_info(a=1): ... e = Error(a=2) ... e.nested_data.a [1, 2] The ``[]`` operator will also accept a tuple of parameter names, in which case it will return a list of those parameters in every context in which at least one of those parameters was defined. This is useful if you're interested in parameters that are logically connected (e.g. line and column number) and you want to avoid the possibility of them getting out of sync: .. code-block:: pycon >>> with Error.add_info(a=1, b=2): ... with Error.add_info(a=3, b=4): ... e = Error(c=5) ... e.nested_data['a','b'] [(1, 2), (3, 4)] Finally, the view also has a ``flatten()`` method that can be used to get all the values for each parameter defined at a particular point in time. The method accepts a single argument which will be used as an index into the internal list of contexts. The ``data.layers()`` method can be used to get the index corresponding to any info message template. """ return self._nested_data_view